vrijdag 8 februari 2019

Lezing 8 februari 2019: Mark Thatcher - Two paths for the creation of an EU political identity: cultural heritage policy

Political identity has become a central question in European politics. A key issue is that whilst the EU has greatly expanded its powers in key policy domains that traditionally have been the preserve of nation states, its political identity remains weak. Cultural heritage is closely linked with identity.

About the speaker
Mark Thatcher is Professor in Comparative and International Politics at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and Professor at LUISS Universitá Guido Carli where he teaches the course ‘The politics of cultural heritage in Europe’. His research predominantly deals with the question how different forms of internationalisation affect national institutions and policy making in Europe. Recent publications include Resilient Liberalism in Europe's Political Economy (Cambridge University Press, 2013) which he co-edited with Vivien A. Schmidt, European Commission merger control: combining competition and the creation of larger European firms (European Journal of Political Research, 2014), The reshaping of economic markets and the state. In: King, Desmond and Le Galès, Patrick, (eds.) Reconfiguring European States in Crisis. Oxford University Press (2017), and State production of cultural nationalism: political leaders and preservation policies for historic buildings in France and Italy. Nations and Nationalism, 24 (1). pp. 64-87, 2018.

More information here.

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